ISSN 2311-4320
UDK: 336.1Analysis of the effectiveness of budget expenditures on the example of Primorsky Krai 2015-2017.
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: .Analysis of the financial condition of the company
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: .On the specifics of the introduction of economic instruments in the field of environmental protection
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: .«Strategy and competitive advantage of the organization»
2018year |
8edition |
UDK: 336.74Overview of existing cryptocurrencies
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.1Management technology of budgeting in modern organizations
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: 330.47The system of spatial analysis of investment projects based on the knowledge base of the IEIPO SB RAS
2024year |
7edition |
2020year |
6edition |
UDK: 338.24Development of tools for forecasting the diversification activities of enterprises of the military-industrial complex
2022year |
7edition |
UDK: .The role of implementing the engineering bureau concept in scientific and technical development of the enterprise
2023year |
7edition |
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 338Corporate Innovation Support System JSC «Russian Railways»
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: 657.1Cryptocurrency and blockchain:impact on accounting
2023year |
4edition |
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: .The influence of political factors on the market conjuncture on the example of the period 2014-2020
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 330Survey of citizens' opinions on the possibilities of cooperation between business and government
2022year |
9edition |
UDK: 338.432Working capital of an enterprise and ways to increase the efficiency of its use
2023year |
12edition |
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 338.24Analysis of the readiness of defense industry enterprises to carry out innovative diversification of production
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: 330.342.2(575.2)Industrial Development of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Context of Transformation of the Economic Mechanism
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: 331.5Actual problems of employment of persons over 45 years of age.
2022year |
1edition |
UDK: 338Evaluation of the efficiency of the use of agricultural capital
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: 336.74Cryptocurrency as a digital asset: definition of the nature, essence and key features
2022year |
6edition |
2016year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.02Analysis of the revenue side of budgets
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: 332.145Development of the creative potential of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra
2023year |
12edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: 338.32.053.4Current approaches to the classification of outsourcing
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: 657.1Internal control in the settlement management system with accountable persons
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 368.811.11Features of credit risk insurance
2018year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.432Features of budget support for system-forming organizations in the agricultural engineering industry in modern conditions
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 338.4Analysis of the investment attractiveness of russian enterprises produsing precious metals
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: .Theoretical and methodological foundations for managing the processes of improving the quality of life
2020year |
10edition |
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: 330.322Problems and Prospects for the Functioning of Advanced Development Zones in the Far East
2023year |
8edition |
UDK: 338.31Financial statements of the organization: analysis of key indicators
Paytaeva Kometa Tahirovna;
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: 338Performance indicators in the development of a business process model of an oil production enterprise
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: 338Theoretical and methodological foundations of forecasting and statistics of sustainability and solvency
2022year |
11edition |
UDK: 336Local budget in the system of municipal finance
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 333.727The impact of the financial market on global economic growth
2019year |
4edition |
2015year |
4edition |
UDK: 336.125(576.4)Financial analysis of budget funds of public institutions
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: 336Accounting policy of management accounting: content and approaches to the formation
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 336.71Аnalysis of the residential mortgage lending market in the Trans-Baikal Territo-ry and directions for its development in the near future
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: 656.2Ensuring the quality of freight transportation by rail
2022year |
11edition |
UDK: 338.43Effective business processes in a heat supply organization: from generation to development
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 352:338The program of socio-economic development of the municipality: features, trends and prospects
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 336Tools for effective financial management of the organization
2023year |
4edition |
2015year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.48Features of the choice of bus transport by a tour operator when forming a tourist trip
2021year |
12edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.2Impact of COVID-19 on the development of foreign trade and the transformation of the GVC
2021year |
2edition |
UDK: 33Corporate marketing strategies of confectionery manufacturers: analysis of approaches and examples of global companies
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: .Settlements in national currencies in the mutual trade of the EAEC countries
2024year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.1Theoretical aspects of the analysis of economic sustainability of the organization
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: .The essence, goals and objectives of the analysis of the creditworthiness of legal entities
2022year |
11edition |
UDK: 332.1Financial security of local budgets: trends and prospects
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.22Educational and production centers (clusters) as one of the tools for the development of the innovative potential of the Russian Federation
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: 336.1Assessment of the reliability of a commercial bank
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 657Features regulation of small business entities
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: 338.43Ways to improve state regulation of the investment process in the Kyrgyz Republic
2023year |
2edition |
UDK: 336.1Leasing as an effective mechanism for ensuring the country's food security
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 339.27.3Russia in the international credit market
2019year |
1edition |
2018year |
5edition |
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: 332.1Analysis of socio-economic indicators of the Omsk region
2020year |
1edition |
2017year |
6edition |
UDK: .Paris Climate Agreement: triumph or failure?
2022year |
3edition |
UDK: .Influence of high-tech technologies on the company economic growth
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: 336.648Inventory as a method of internal control of inventories in budgetary institutions
2024year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.1Problems of information support of strategic analysis
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: 339.5Areas of improvement of electronic declaration centers in the Russian Federation
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: 339.132.057.2Estimation of elasticity for the pork meat market
2020year |
7edition |
UDK: 338Fixed assets and the efficiency of their use
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 336.713Analysis of the resource base of a credit institution (for example, PJSC Sberbank)
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: 332.4.621.2Improving state organizational mechanisms for the development of the oil production complex
2024year |
2edition |
UDK: 334.012.6 (575.2)The current state of small and medium-sized businesses in the Kyrgyz Republic: problems and prerequisites for its development.
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 330.34:332.05Features of the formation of foreign direct investment in the Kyrgyz Republic
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: 351/354Solving Russian national security problems in the context of digitalization
2024year |
7edition |
UDK: 657.1.012.1Accounting and internal control in the system of ensuring the economic security of the organization
2021year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.221Reducing the tax burden as an important factor in tax optimization
2023year |
9edition |
2016year |
2edition |
UDK: 736Types of forensic accounting expertise
2021year |
4edition |
UDK: 339.13Ecological marketing: features of the choice of environmentally friendly goods by Russian consumers
2021year |
1edition |
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 657.631Audit as the main method of financial control
2022year |
3edition |
UDK: 659.18Advertising on the Internet as a set of tools for effective marketing promotion of small businesses
2022year |
1edition |
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.711Monetary credit policy of the Eurosystem
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: .“Prediction of the socio-economic development of local production of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)”
2018year |
8edition |
UDK: 336.711.65The role of the state audit of the Kyrgyz Republic in the system of financial control
2023year |
6edition |
2014year |
3edition |
UDK: 304.3Emotional and intellectual activity of a manager
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: .Digitalization of the processes of the beauty industry enterprise with the help of technological innovation
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: 398:371Features of economic analysis when carrying out control and audit work
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: 330.1The essence of the term "investment project"
2022year |
8edition |
UDK: .Accounting and risk accounting in banks
2023year |
11edition |
UDK: .The role of general secondary education in the innovation management system at the regional level
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: .Features of the Russian innovation market
2023year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.658Theoretical aspects of enterprise innovation
Evdokhina O. S.;
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: .«The concept and assessment of the obligations of organizations in the systems of Russian and international standards»
2018year |
8edition |
UDK: .Ways to strengthen the economic security of the Altai Territory
2023year |
8edition |
UDK: 339.138Digital Marketing Tools for Consumer Sector Companies
2023year |
3edition |
UDK: .The use of artificial intelligence in the banking sector
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 371.1.07+373Quality management of municipal preschool educational institutions
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: .«Domestic and foreign experience in the organization of in-house training of personnel»
2018year |
2edition |
UDK: 37.014The main areas of improvement of the state financing of agriculture
2023year |
6edition |
UDK: 336.02Harmonization of the tax system of the Kyrgyz Republic in the context of economic integration
Rysalieva M.SH.;
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.647/.648:631.16Management of the capital structure of an agricultural organization using a financial leverage instrument
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: .Improvement of the project management system on the example of the company TOO "mangistauEnergomunay"
2024year |
9edition |
UDK: .Forming a mechanism for managing logistics processes according to the criterion of economic sustainability
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: 331.104Corporate portal as a way optimization of distance learning
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: 336.1Innovative approaches to cooperation between public authorities and local governments: a review of international experience
2024year |
10edition |
UDK: .Theoretical aspects of performance audit in the system of municipal financial control
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: 332.1Innovative development of Russian enterprises as a way of integration into the world economy
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 331.5Implementation of an integrated gender approach in the process of strategic de-cision making: foreign experience and possibilities of its integration in russian practice
2020year |
8edition |
UDK: 657.43The role of accounting in cost management at enterprises of the fuel and energy industry
Matkerimova Anarkan Matkasymovna;
Isakov Kubanychbek Abibillaevich;
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: .Prospects for the development of cooperation between the far east region of the RF and the PRC in mediasphere
2023year |
5edition |
Magomadova Khava Sultanovna;
2019year |
5edition |
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 331.5Employment of graduates of higher educational institutions: statistics, problems and possible solutions
2024year |
9edition |
UDK: .Digital Economy in the Russian Federation
2023year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.150Theoretical and methodological aspects of socio-economic forecasting of sustainable development of rural areas
2023year |
9edition |
UDK: 004.8The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: 331.1Prospects for the development of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Bashkortostan
2023year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.61Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprises-operators of electric networks of the regions of the Center and the Volga region
2023year |
8edition |
UDK: 657Accounting for leasing transactions at the lessee in accordance with IFRS
2021year |
4edition |
UDK: .The influence of international business on the ACTIVITIES OF Metallica LLC
2022year |
12edition |
Bisaeva Daniya Isaevna;
Shakhgiraev Ismail Uvaisovich;
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: .Budget regulation of the Russian Federation in the terms of global vizovov
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: 332.055.2Innovative level of development of the Northern Economic Region of Russia
2019year |
5edition |
2021year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.02Strategic financial analysis and the formation of the financial strategy of enterprises
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: .Prospects for a 4-day working week in Russia
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: .Causes of corruption in the system of state and municipal administration
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: .Digital technologies in the creation of animation
2023year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.439Innovation and state regulation of innovation activity in the Republic of Dagestan
2020year |
2edition |
UDK: .Features of financial risk management and mechanisms for their neutralization
2022year |
11edition |
UDK: 339.5.053Forming the export potential of the Kyrgyz republic
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: 339.138Algorithm of actions for providing marketing solutions with reliable information
2019year |
1edition |
UDK: 332.025The history of trademarks and their role in the promotion of goods on the market
2023year |
6edition |
2017year |
4edition |
UDK: .The relationship between types of accentuation and suicidal behavior in adolescence
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 332Problems of the formation of sustainable development of agribusiness and rural areas
Shumatbaeva Julia Vladimirovna;
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 658.3Theoretical aspects of personnel security of an organization as a tool for ensuring economic security
2022year |
2edition |
UDK: 65Digitalization of the customer base management process using Business Intel-ligence technologies
2021year |
9edition |
UDK: 336Transformation of financial corporations in the context of the introduction of artificial intelligence
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: 331Improving the management structure of organizations using personnel planning tools
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: 339.138Features of designing a marketing strategy for a small business
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.43(575.2)Modern trends in the development of rural areas Kyrgyz Republic
2023year |
11edition |
2020year |
6edition |
UDK: 351.354Formation of the personnel reserve system as the most important direction in the implementation of the personnel policy of the organization
2022year |
7edition |
UDK: 330.322.54Algorithm for the formation of investment strategies
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: УДК 336.1The concept and essence of budget expenditures
Abakarova P.V.;
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: .Phytogenic feed additives: demand features and global trends
2021year |
3edition |
UDK: 339.54.012Cоmparative advantage оf leasing оperatiоns in the digital ecоnоmy
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: 33Modern technologies in the field of economics and entrepreneurship
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: 657Features of the Islamic accounting model and prospects for its development
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.2Building Smart City Models
2018year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.1Prospects for virtualization and network solutions of the Openstack complex for digital transformation
2022year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.31Analysis of production activities of JSC "Yakutsk bakery"
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: .Problems of corporate governance in companies with state participation in the energy sector
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.465The essence, principles and mechanisms of the use of information and communication technologies in state and municipal management
2023year |
12edition |
UDK: 351.712The definition analysis of the public procurement
2021year |
1edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: .Investment activity in Russia
2019year |
4edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: 657.1Features of accounting for intellectual property objects in Russia
2020year |
10edition |
2015year |
3edition |
UDK: 33Strategies for modernization of industrial enterprise
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: .Changes in the accounting of capital investments in 2022
2022year |
4edition |
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: 502.3:621.22Comparative analysis of the electric power potential of the countries of Central Asia in the modern period
2023year |
2edition |
2016year |
2edition |
UDK: 796Regulatory and legal regulation and management in the field of physical culture and sports
2023year |
10edition |
UDK: 330.47Undergraduates study a software product used to automate budgeting processes
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: 33Problems of using the production potential of the shipbuilding industry in the context of sanctions restrictions
2023year |
2edition |
UDK: 004.054Information and communication technologies in the economy
2021year |
6edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: 658.3Directions for improving the corporate culture of the food industry enterprise
2023year |
2edition |
2024year |
12edition |
UDK: .Overview of parallel imports in Russia
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 336.1Modern "financial pyramids": types and criteria for their determination
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 338Development of the theory and practice of diversification management at enterprises of the military-industrial complex
2023year |
1edition |
UDK: 351Features of public procurement in the healthcare system (using the example of drug provision)
2022year |
4edition |
UDK: .Analysis of the impact of digital financial technologies on the functioning of financial institutions
2024year |
7edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.28Assessment of the economic efficiency of Special economic zones
2024year |
10edition |
UDK: .Prospects for the development of small business in the tourism and hospitality industry in the Russian Federation
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: 379.85Prospects for the development of tourism in the Republic of Dagestan
2022year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.001.36Macroeconomic assessment of the development potential of Russian regions in the new economy
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.64Information support for the analysis of the organization's capital: the issues of improving
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: .Development of the Russian stock market
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 336.1Methods of analytical assessment of business according to the balance sheet and reporting
2019year |
2edition |
UDK: 338.24Analysis of innovative development of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the conditions of production diversification
2021year |
8edition |
UDK: .Development of the digital economy:challenges and prospects
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: 364Assessment of the impact of the Maternity Capital program on the demographic situation in Russia
2020year |
3edition |
2018year |
5edition |
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: .Theoretical and legal aspects of accounting for the organization's reserves
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 005.1Evaluation of performance in healthcare
2021year |
9edition |
UDK: .The role of the Free Trade Agreement with New Zealand in shaping the dairy market in China
2023year |
1edition |
UDK: 339.138Analysis of the operating activities of Emirates airline until 2023. The main reasons for the airline's stability in the global market
2024year |
7edition |
UDK: 349.2The limits of differentiation in Russian labor law
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.012Economic aspects of consumer development cooperation of Russia in the context of the economic crisis
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 3362019 Private Investment Analysis
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 336 717Marketing policy as an effective way to manage reputational risks of commercial banks
2024year |
3edition |
UDK: .Staffing in the field of physical culture and sports: the demand for professions
2023year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.43Production typology of farms and individual entrepreneurs
2023year |
9edition |
2014year |
4edition |
2022year |
4edition |
UDK: 336.64Analysis of the main indicators of the financial condition of a service sector enterprise
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 336:657.1Improving customer accounts receivable management
2021year |
7edition |
UDK: 351. 9The legal basis of the control and supervisory activities of the Russian state
2022year |
9edition |
UDK: 332.1Analysis of the impact of expenses for ordinary activities on the financial result
2023year |
9edition |
UDK: 336The nature and management of financial risks
2022year |
3edition |
2015year |
2edition |
UDK: 657Accounting of loans and borrowings and their maintenance costs at the enterprise
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: 657Organization of primary cost accounting (on the example of a commercial enterprise)
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 336.717Directions of improving the operations of a commercial bank for servicing foreign economic activities of small and medium-sized businesses on the example of the bank "FC Open", Vladivostok
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: 338.45Strategic analysis of material and technical resources of the rocket and space industry enterprise
Zinich Alla ;
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: 338Аccounting for settlements using bills and advances in modern conditions
2020year |
2edition |
UDK: .Problems of tax security of the Kyrgyz Republic and ways of its solution
2022year |
12edition |
2014year |
2edition |
UDK: 331.25Assessment of the impact of the introduction of the pension reform on the quality of life of the population in Russia
2020year |
11edition |
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: 332.1Assessment of the level of socio-economic development of rural areas of the Omsk region
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: .Major change of tax on property of organizations in 2020
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 338.2Methodology for assessing the economic sustainability of an agricultural enterprise
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 339.7Modern trends in exchange risk management in commercial banks
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: 352.075Problems of the system of selection and adaptation of bank employees
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: .Investment deposit as an alternative to a bank deposit
2021year |
4edition |
UDK: 33.336.338.001.36Development banks of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus: features and opportunities for the Development Bank of Kyrgyzstan
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: .«The need to Finance the overhaul of apartment buildings in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)»
2018year |
9edition |
UDK: 332.1The evolution of scientific ideas about regional socio-economic policy through the prism of modern transformations in Russia
2020year |
2edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: 331Ways to Improve the Systems and Mechanisms of Pension Provision for the Population of the Kyrgyz Republic
2023year |
2edition |
2017year |
5edition |
UDK: 631.152A system of methods for managing technological processes in a livestock enterprise
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 330.35 (ф)Analysis of stability of economic growth of the enterprise (on the example of RD enterprise)
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: .Accounting for settlements with customers and suppliers of the organization, assessment of receivables and payables for management purposes
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 338Theoretical aspects of the economic evaluation of an innovative project in the chemical industry
2023year |
6edition |
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: .Overview of Haier’s current situation in terms of market strategy
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: 336 (ф)Status and prospects of development of Islamic banking in the Kyrgyz Republic
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: 336.1Historical background to the formation of double entry
2019year |
2edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: .Mechanisms for implementing the strategy of scientific and technological development in the European Union
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: 332.025Contradictions and shortcomings in the state regulation of the outdoor ad-vertising market: analysis of legislation and regional practice
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.63Analysis of the financial stability of an agricultural enterprise
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 33Economic and political factors of the phemomenon of crime in the sphere of lending
2023year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.6Financial and economic analysis of the activities of LLC «Solyanoe» Cherlak district of Omsk region
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: .Current problems and legal regulation of the alcohol market
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 336Features of accounting for the movement of goods in trade
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: 08.00.01The future of cryptocurrencies - the experience of the gold standard
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 330 (575.2)Implementation of the principles of "green" economy
2023year |
1edition |
UDK: 657.622Analysis of the financial statements of the organization (on the example of JSC "Derbent Brandy Factory")
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 330.566.22Creative rent as a phenomenon of cultural sphere
2021year |
1edition |
UDK: 351Research on the organization and conduct of tenders for the placement of state orders in the region
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: .Ethical management of financial risk through derivatives
2023year |
7edition |
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.1Crime and poverty in the Republic of Kazakhstan
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: 338Analysis of the development of international markets for satellite transport monitoring systems
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.1Analysis of the use of borrowed capital of the enterprise (for example, JSC "Plant named after Gadzhiev")
2019year |
5edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: 351.72Theoretical and methodological aspects of assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 657.32Legal regulation of small business entities in the Russian Federation
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
2021year |
8edition |
UDK: /Analysis of the land potential of rural areas the European part of the country
2024year |
2edition |
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 657Economic analysis methods In the forensic accounting of intangible assets And r & d expenses
2021year |
2edition |
UDK: 343.79Characteristic features of inappropriate spending of budgetary funds
2022year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.14Balancing the budgetary system of the Russian Federation
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: .Analysis of the availability and sufficiency of own sources of financing for the activities of Kuban Steppe JSC
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 338.2Interpretation of enterprise financial and economic security in business in economic processes
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: .Theoretical basis for assessing the investment attractiveness of shares
2018year |
8edition |
UDK: .Investment Potential in the Russian Economy
2020year |
4edition |
2014year |
4edition |
2017year |
1edition |
UDK: .Low-carbon transformation of energy infrastructure
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 338.49Modern socio-economic issues and problems of the development of innovative trends in the republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of labor resources
2023year |
3edition |
UDK: .Analysis of methods for assessing the creditworthiness of the borrower: russian and foreign experience
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: 004.9Digital University and its key features
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: .Accounting for other income and expenses
2019year |
1edition |
UDK: 330Trends and factors of digital transformation of industrial enterprises
2023year |
12edition |
UDK: .Synergy in action: joint efforts of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in the development of the labor market
2023year |
11edition |
UDK: 338.24Improving control over the implementation of diversification projects implemented by enterprises of the military-industrial complex
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 657.3The role of reporting in the analysis of the financial condition of the organization
2021year |
11edition |
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: .Legal Issues of Insurance Digitalization
2021year |
9edition |
UDK: 336.1Trade and economic relations between Russia and Turkey
2023year |
6edition |
UDK: 331.542Scientific and methodological approaches to the creating of a modern classifier of occupations.
2021year |
7edition |
UDK: 338.439.63:334.724.6(575.2)Financial control over the execution of the revenue side of local budgets
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: УДК 336.773:781The main problems of mortgage lending in the Kyrgyz Republic
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 65.012.2A brief review of the development of the Balanced Scorecard.
2020year |
5edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.5.02Analysis of the effectiveness of the contract system in the procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs in Russia
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 338.3Financial risks innovative in innovative projects
2021year |
5edition |
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
2018year |
7edition |
2014year |
3edition |
UDK: 332.1Environmental marketing in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: .«SWOT - analysis of the organization (for example, LLC" logistics»)»
2018year |
9edition |
UDK: 338.1Features of models and factors of post-industrial development of economic systems
2019year |
5edition |
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: .Financial forecasting and planning at the enterprise
2022year |
11edition |
UDK: 657.631:69Organization of internal audit of construction organizations of the Kyrgyz republic
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: .Features of the internal control of commodity operations in wholesale
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: .Economy and social sphere in the russian regions: Trends, problems and prospects
2023year |
8edition |
UDK: 332.1Efficiency and effectiveness of budgetary spending on social support of the population at the sub-federal level
2020year |
7edition |
UDK: 330.1The influence of collective thinking on the development of the modern organization
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: 657Possibilities of using operational leverage in making managerial decisions using the example of Metafrax PJSC
2019year |
3edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: .Analysis of theoretical approaches to the concept of economic security of the organization
2021year |
7edition |
UDK: 334.734(575.2)The role of cooperatives in the fruit and berry industry of the Kyrgyz Republic
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: 378Modern marketing approaches to increasing the competitiveness of the organization
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 33On some factors of price dynamics in the residential real estate market in Russia in 2020-2021
2022year |
7edition |
UDK: 338.24.01Organization of efficient accounting and analytical support for inventory management
2022year |
9edition |
UDK: 338.124.4The business sector in the context of global crises caused by biological threats
2022year |
9edition |
UDK: 316.27Human resource management in crisis situations
2020year |
10edition |
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: .From income inequality to economic inequality
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 657.1.(075.8)Changes in the accounting of insurance organizations in 2022
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: 347Self-restraint as a tool of protection against credit fraud
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 657.1Accounting and promotion of initiative R & D in industry research institutes of the military-industrial complex
2021year |
1edition |
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: .«Legislative regulation of accounting of inventories: foreign and domestic practice»
2018year |
9edition |
UDK: 336.144.2Zero-base budgeting as a way to ensure the effectiveness of public spending
2023year |
11edition |
2023year |
12edition |
2019year |
5edition |
2017year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.71Digitalization as a platform for online business development in the banking sector of the Kyrgyz Republic
2020year |
9edition |
UDK: .Problems of the financial system of the Russian Federation
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: .Financing mechanisms for public-private partnership projects
2020year |
11edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: 336.69The use of digital technologies in the activities of accounting system institutions in global markets
2024year |
9edition |
UDK: 001.895:33.338(575.2)Scientific approaches to the concept of administrative-territorial reform in the Kyrgyz republic
2024year |
7edition |
UDK: 657.622Comprehensive economic analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of a commercial organization
2023year |
2edition |
UDK: .The role of social networks in e-business
2023year |
11edition |
2016year |
3edition |
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: .The evolution of global payment systems: from cash to digital currencies
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: .Artificial intelligence in marketing: effective tools and development prospects
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 338.314Cost management Karachinsky Istochnik LLC
2023year |
12edition |
UDK: 338.2Key challenges to the level and quality of management: Russian specifics
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 330Organization of currency control in the Russian Federation
2019year |
1edition |
2014year |
3edition |
UDK: .Managing in extreme uncertainty
2022year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.2Analysis of theoretical approaches to the concept and elements tax control.
2018year |
4edition |
UDK: .The role of technology parks in the innovative development of Russia
2020year |
8edition |
UDK: .Statistical analysis of the effectiveness of the introduction of flexible tech-nologies in the management of the bank's business processes
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 339.35The impact of sanctions on companies' economic strategies
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 336.226.111Individual income tax
2021year |
9edition |
UDK: 336.1, 336.5Analysis of regional lists (classifiers) of public services and works as one of the directions for improving the legal status of budgetary and autonomous institutions
2023year |
9edition |
UDK: .«Microcrediting: the conceptual apparatus and foreign experience.»
2018year |
8edition |
UDK: 338.43Managing the process of innovation implementation at the enterprise
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: 33Comparative legal analysis of the tax legislation of Russia and the countries of the near and far abroad in terms of the content of the elements of tax monitoring
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: /Planning, organization and control of the process of developing personnel competencies at enterprises of a traditional industrial region
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 336.1Stages of development of accounting for depreciation of fixed assets in Russia
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: 657Performance audit procedure with personnel for paying labor and assessment of risk of fraud
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: 33.331.1Formation of a local personnel reserve
2019year |
4edition |
2015year |
3edition |
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.48Overview of innovative technologies used in the field of tourism
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: 338.1Venture financing and implementation of financial technologies and innovations in the global financial market
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 332.146Analysis of the state of own and borrowed funds of the commercial bank PJSC Otkritie
2023year |
12edition |
UDK: 336.1Is gold a good investment?
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 336.57The Efficiency of Policy Measures Aimed At Combatting Poverty in Russia
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
2024year |
5edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: .Features of the oligopolistic market of the Russian Federation
2020year |
6edition |
UDK: .Analysis of banks with foreign capital in the Russian Federation
2023year |
7edition |
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: .Competitive environment and competitive policy of small business enterprises of the wood processing industry of the North-Western Federal District of the Russian Federation
2022year |
7edition |
2014year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.48The economic importance of industrial tourism for the region
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 339.97The role of the Russian Federation as a trading partner for Central Asian countries, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Migration flows between Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The role of migrant remittances in the economies of the Central Asian republics
2023year |
2edition |
UDK: .Current overview of the Russian market of ERP systems
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: [338.512:633.1]-044.325 (571.13)Economic and statistical analysis of grain yield in JSC "Azovskoye" of the Azov district of Omsk region
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: .The main problems of the Chinese bond market at the present stage
2022year |
11edition |
UDK: 338.2Digital transformation of manufacturing sistems: customized manufacturing as a marketing approach to brand personalization
2023year |
2edition |
UDK: 336.1The analysis of control activity of tax authorities in Kyrgyz Republic
Esenalieva B.B.;
2020year |
8edition |
UDK: 657.631Methods of financial diagnostics of the enterprise
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.1The essence of tax accounting in the organization
2020year |
11edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: 658.512.6Specific features of ERP implementation projects in Russian enterprises
2021year |
7edition |
UDK: 338.43Influence of external factors on the level of economic security of food industry enterprises
2023year |
2edition |
UDK: 33Second-round effects of European Union enlargement assessment based on the european integration index
2022year |
6edition |
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: .Influence of institutional factors on the development of public-private partnerships
2020year |
11edition |
Cherdantsev Vadim. Petrovich;
2019year |
5edition |
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: 339.13Analysis of the imperfect competition on market on the example of the natural monopoly of «Rostelecom» company
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: 336.1, 336.5The results of the analysis of the practice of adjusting the procedure for the formation, maintenance, and approval of regional lists (classifiers) of state (municipal) services (works) and regional lists (classifiers) of state (municipal) services (works), considering the recommendations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
2024year |
10edition |
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: .Dairy cattle: features of cost accounting and cost calculation (by the example of solyanoe LLC, Cherlak district Omsk Region)
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: 330.342Interregional cooperation: problems and prospects For development
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: 658.1Organizational Enterprise Risk Management
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: 339.138Brand positioning through online platforms
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 379.85The role of social media in the promotion of tourism products
2024year |
1edition |
UDK: 2964Sustainable development of the company
2022year |
4edition |
UDK: .The role of investments in the socio-economic development of a rural municipality
2021year |
6edition |
2014year |
2edition |
UDK: 657.6Features of the organization of accounting and reporting in budgetary organizations
Khamzatov V.A.;
Abubakirov Sh.R.;
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.011Assessment of the financial condition of TV and radio companies (on the ex-ample of fsue VGTRK)
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: 330.3Problems of investment in the modern economy
2020year |
9edition |
UDK: 338The author's methodology for analyzing the financial condition of an en-terprise on the example of PJSC M. video
2024year |
9edition |
UDK: .«To the question of assessing the probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise with the help of an integral indicator»
2018year |
3edition |
UDK: 658Calculation of enterprise performance. Dynamic analysis
2023year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.1Differences between audit and revision
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: .Theory and methodology of analysis of logistics processes and supply chain management
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: 303.732:519.24:330.16Information support for adaptation of agricultural enterprises to climate change
2020year |
8edition |
2016year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.025Financial resources of the organization and sources of their formation
2021year |
5edition |
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: 330.1Financing of agricultural organizations and their capital structure
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: 658.1Features of the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise
2024year |
10edition |
UDK: 657The features of organization accounting at the wholesale trade enterprises
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 2964The use of digital technologies in the process of providing IT services to a modern company
2022year |
10edition |
2018year |
9edition |
UDK: 339.138Methods and methods of assessing competitiveness in the enterprise
2023year |
8edition |
UDK: .Features of the application of IFRS in medium-sized businesses
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: 331.108Human Resources Policy of Human Resource Management in Healthcare of Kazakhstan
2022year |
3edition |
UDK: .Economy of Madagascar after the pandemic
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: 33Statistical review of the use of e-commerce systems in the spectrum of international trade payments
2024year |
1edition |
UDK: 332.1Prerequisites for Kaspersky participation in innovative public-private partnership projects
2024year |
3edition |
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.011Analysis of the current state of the digital economy of Russia
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 004.056.5Enterprise Information Security
2019year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.233.2.025:336.15:336.58(575.2)The Fund for the Health Improvement of Workers in the Kyrgyz Republic
2022year |
3edition |
UDK: .On the issue of the methodology for assessing the investment attractiveness of an organization
2021year |
4edition |
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.1Analysis of development indicators of industrial enterprises in the Russian Federation
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.242.2Financial stability as the main condition for the sustainable development of the enterprise
2022year |
10edition |
2016year |
2edition |
UDK: 378Development and promotion of the idea of quality education
Samatova E.E.;
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: .Optimization of the organization's HR and accounting business processes
2023year |
3edition |
UDK: 330Analysis of the solvency and financial stability of the enterprise
2022year |
7edition |
UDK: 338Assessment of the level of innovative potential of the enterprise
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 330.47Automation of budgeting using the application solution «1C: ERP En-terprise Management 2»
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: .Methods of risk assessment of modern enterprises
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: .«Corporate pension provision in Russia: problems and prospects»
2018year |
8edition |
2017year |
6edition |
UDK: 330.322Attracting foreign investment to the Russian economy during the crisis
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: .Labor motivation in modern Russia
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: 339Risk assessment of product non-demand and loss of organization competitiveness
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 338.2Implementation of the federal project «Development of Children's Healthcare» of the national project «Healthcare» in the Kaluga Region
2022year |
9edition |
UDK: 657.6Cost accounting and calculation of the cost of industrial production
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 339International experience in the use of import substitution policy
2021year |
1edition |
UDK: .Expansion of information and analytical base of accounting and analyzes of modern oil-extracting companies
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 338Assessment of the availability and movement of fixed assets
2021year |
1edition |
UDK: .Developing a smart financial assistant application
2024year |
8edition |
2015year |
2edition |
UDK: 332.3Agricultural enterprise land funds and their use efficiency
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 005.95/.96HR policy in the context of the crisis
2021year |
4edition |
UDK: 353.2Regulatory and legal regulation of social protection of socially unprotected segments of the population of the Kirov region
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.43Indicator for typology of administrative districts according to the level of development of peasant farms
2023year |
9edition |
UDK: .Digital ecosystems: development, benefits and possible risks
2023year |
3edition |
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: 338.2New requirements for the quality of personnel management in the digital economy and management
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 330.322Investment management in the region (experience of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
2020year |
10edition |
2014year |
3edition |
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.71Formation of a system of economic security of a commercial bank on the example of PJSC Bank «FC Otkritie»
2021year |
6edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.227.1Double taxation methods
2019year |
4edition |
2014year |
2edition |
UDK: 35.078.51Levels and instruments of financial state support of the agro-industrial complex in Russia
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 33Formation of innovative regional policy for enterprises
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: 330.341Prospects for the development of commercial activities of retail Enterprises
2020year |
2edition |
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 339.137.2Analysis of methods to increase the competitiveness of an international company in the oil and gas industry
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 338.31Assessment of the financial condition of the company according to the financial statements
Paytaeva Kometa Tahirovna;
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: 331.215.53The minimum wage and the procedure for its establishment
2018year |
4edition |
UDK: 36.1/5. 336.3Taxation of e-commerce
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: 351/354Tools of modern state information policy
2024year |
7edition |
UDK: 338.24Threats to the economic security of the enterprise.
2022year |
6edition |
2014year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.2Analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the digitalization process in Russia
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 330Foreign experience in using zakyata in the economy of countries
2024year |
1edition |
UDK: 351/354Digitalization of the activities of public authorities
2024year |
7edition |
UDK: 333Financial strategies to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: 330.1Dynamics of the development of the Institute of the self-employed in Russia
2022year |
7edition |
UDK: 336.6(575.2)Theoretical foundations of healthcare financing
Abdyldaeva A.B;
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: 657: 631.162Features of documentary cost accounting and calculation of the cost of livestock products in agricultural organizations (on the example of LLC "RADIUS-AGRO" Vikulovsky district of the Tyumen region)
2022year |
11edition |
UDK: 336.63Features of business of a microfinancial institution for value assessment
2023year |
6edition |
UDK: .National currency system and foreign exchange market. Country's balance of payments
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: 657.1.011.56Accounting automation at milk processing enterprises
2022year |
2edition |
UDK: 378.148Cloud technologies in business and education
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: .Principles and methods of building a control system personnel at the enterprise (review article)
2023year |
3edition |
2020year |
8edition |
2024year |
4edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: 330.322.5The role of venture capital funds in the system of innovative development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 658.15Organization of enterprise budgeting: the main problems at the present stage
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 338.48Trending in the development of hotel industry software in Russia
Dina Alexandrovna Guz ;
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 369.542The impact of changes in the retirement age on the economy and budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
2018year |
6edition |
UDK: .Features and prospects of small business development in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra
2024year |
8edition |
UDK: 657Analysis of the financial condition of an investment development company
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 330.4The role of business intelligence: definition and importance
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 330.322.2Investments in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Mordovia: trends and opportunities
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 330Ways of the efficiency of commercial activities of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of air transport improvement
2020year |
9edition |
UDK: 004.057.5Power BI analogs review: alternatives for data visualization
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: .«State of investment activity in the Russian Federation»
2018year |
8edition |
UDK: .International franchise operations and mechanisms for their implementation.
2020year |
6edition |
UDK: .«Problems of small business lending in Russia»
2018year |
8edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.22(575.2)Development of the tax system in the EEU
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 336.774Econometric analysis of housing mortgage lending in the Siberian Federal District
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: .Socially-oriented economy as part of the macroeconomic development system
2020year |
7edition |
UDK: 338.48To the question of forming the image of a tour operator
2019year |
4edition |
2015year |
4edition |
UDK: 330.354Theoretical approaches to the study of the concept of "information support" of an enterprise's commercial activity
2024year |
2edition |
UDK: 330.46Russian ict market: state of development and prospects
2020year |
9edition |
UDK: 338.43Canadian experience of government support for social development and entrepreneurship in the framework of rural local economy
2023year |
9edition |
UDK: 331.55Factors and conditions of variation in unemployment values in the region
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: .Review and analysis of programs for project management
2020year |
9edition |
UDK: 316.1Methods of sociological research when working with local communities (using the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))
2024year |
7edition |
UDK: 330.1Risks associated with the implementation of the organization's plan
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 339.97Russian-Turkish relations in the modern world
2022year |
2edition |
UDK: .«Assessment of the investment climate of the region as a factor of its development»
2018year |
3edition |
UDK: .The relationship between economics and politics
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: .The problem of development and formation of the world economy in the context of the global transport blockade and pandemic
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 338Centralization of purchases as an element of financial management
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 658Development and implementation of a balanced scorecard at the enter-prise
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: 658.51Managing the process of sales of goods in a trade organization
2018year |
6edition |
UDK: 338.2Cash flow at the enterprise: analysis and management issues
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: 368.97Features of travel insurance in Russia
2021year |
4edition |
UDK: 331.101Business Case for Enhancement labor productivity in an industrial company
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 332.14Regional economy: approaches to the definition of the concept in modern science
2023year |
8edition |
UDK: .Strategies for the development of organizations: principles of formation
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: .The impact of digital technologies on risk analysis in the organization
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 005.591.6:63Innovative technologies as a way to modernize agricultural production
2021year |
2edition |
UDK: .Reputation capital: a comparative analysis of related concepts
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 336The development of digitalization in the financial and credit system of the Kyrgyz Republic
Askarova Ainura Kanybekovna;
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 351/354Legal support for youth policy in modern Russia
2024year |
2edition |
UDK: 338.012Assessing the illegal alcohol market on the Internet
2023year |
9edition |
UDK: 336.5Innovations in the relationship between companies and commercial banks in cash flow management
2023year |
1edition |
UDK: .Investment attractiveness of vertically integrated oil industry companies: essence, features, factors
2023year |
9edition |
UDK: 336.5Quality issues of state programs at the regional level
2018year |
6edition |
UDK: 657Role and importance of consolidated financial reporting in the enterprise management system
2022year |
2edition |
UDK: 339.97Economic Transformation of Sectors of Kyrgyzstan's Economy in the Corona Crisis
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 33.339.5Features of the investment policy of Kyrgyzstan: problems and opportunities
Yesenalieva B.B.;
2024year |
10edition |
UDK: .Problems of calculating the amount of insurance compensation in the event of harm to the health of the victim
2023year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.467Working capital management in agriculture
2023year |
10edition |
UDK: .Aspects of the economic justification for the provision of a new type of service
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 657.471Cost management and ways to optimize it in the management accounting of a baking organization.
2018year |
6edition |
UDK: 338The main methods and techniques of financial and economic analysis of enterprises
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.43Labor resources as a main factor of agriculture development
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: .«Banking competition as a basis for the development of the financial services market»
2018year |
8edition |
UDK: .Analytical review of the market of microelectronics and household appliances in Asia
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: .Bank lending to small and medium-sized businesses in Russia
2022year |
12edition |
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: 352.075Problems of realization of informational policy in the local government
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: 338.24Features of the organization of accounting, control and audit in trade
2021year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.7Creating a new banking product to solve the problem of attracting financial resources to a commercial bank (for example, Alfa-Bank JSC)
2018year |
6edition |
UDK: .Intellectual accounting as a promising direction in the field of accounting
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.71.078.3Bank resolution through the banking sector consolidation fund. Implementation of projects since 2017
2021year |
2edition |
UDK: .Problems of accounting and reporting in non-profit organizations
2021year |
9edition |
2022year |
2edition |
2017year |
4edition |
UDK: .Automation of compilation and analysis of the balance sheet
2020year |
6edition |
UDK: 339State and prospects for development of the market of leasing operations in the Кyrgyz republic
Abdullaeva Nurgul Abdimitalipovna ;
Toktorov Kubanych Kadyrmamatovich;
2021year |
2edition |
UDK: 331Methodological tools for assessing the situation on the labor market
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 330.354Information strategies of an enterprise as a tool for improving the efficiency of business processes
2024year |
3edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: 331Formation of corporate culture and internal corporate relations in the organization: a case study
2022year |
11edition |
2021year |
11edition |
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.24The evolution of management accounting methods and the possibility of its modern adaptation.
2018year |
6edition |
UDK: 658.155 (575.2)Tax system as an incentive for the investment process
2023year |
11edition |
UDK: 658.5.012.1Directions for improving the model of the control system of technological processes of the enterprise (on the example of the joint-stock company "Omskshina")
Evdokhina O. S.;
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 338.2Factors and conditions for development of complex analysis in the field of enterprise foreign trade activity
2021year |
7edition |
UDK: .Migrant workers in the russian economy before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
2022year |
11edition |
UDK: .Peculiarities of corporate pension services for employees of private and public sectors of the economy in developed countries of the world on the example of the USA
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 339.5The evolution of factoring into the main instruments of financing foreign trade in the USA
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: .Strategy of foreign economics: economics development vector
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: 351/354About the issue of applying the platform approach in the digital public administration
2024year |
5edition |
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: 658.71Implementation of the procurement process and selection of suppliers at enterprises in the production sector
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: .Directions for improving the efficiency of the use of working capital
2023year |
10edition |
UDK: .«Application of modeling methods to improve the quality of evaluation of investment attractiveness of shares»
2018year |
9edition |
UDK: .The relevance of digitalization to improve the efficiency of work in the banking system
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 336.71Approaches to liquidity management in commercial banks in the modern financial market
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: 339.54.012Project management of the digital transformation of companies
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: 796.075Professional sports financing model
2023year |
9edition |
UDK: .Features of the profession of an Internet marketer
2022year |
4edition |
UDK: .Managing the development of network franchising organizations in the service sector
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: 330Using the cascade method to build a company's strategic plan
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: УДК: 339Big double: US and China trade war.
Goncharova V.S.;
2020year |
1edition |
2016year |
2edition |
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 332.1Assessment of the state of fixed assets as a criterion for planning investments by external organizations of the fishery complex
2022year |
9edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: 338.364The impact of workflow automation on the production capabilities of the enterprise.
2022year |
1edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: .Psychological risk of participation in the marketing business
2019year |
1edition |
UDK: 378.046.4Features of the development of managerial personnel
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 338.31Accounting and analytical support of the organization's cash flow
Paytaeva Kometa Tahirovna;
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: 338.48Eco-tourism: modern vectors of development
2024year |
10edition |
2016year |
2edition |
UDK: 332.873.1Improving the efficiency of using energy metering devices in the housing and communal services of the Komi Republic
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 330.322Theoretical approaches to identifying the risks of start-up projects
2022year |
11edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: 336.7Business Process Reengineering - an organization’s innovative development strategy (using the example of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation)
2018year |
6edition |
2016year |
4edition |
UDK: 332.363Food security in the context of approaches to the implementation of an effective land policy on agricultural land
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: 336.1The impact of leasing on agriculture
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 331.108Personnel training: value and development
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 332.142.2The transport system of the region as a framework for economic development (on the example of the Arkhangelsk region).
2018year |
6edition |
UDK: 336.744Monetary, financial and payment terms of an international loan
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: .USA as franchising leaders and key franchise experts
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 338.2Controlling the implementation of the state programs of the Russian Federation
2023year |
6edition |
2020year |
9edition |
UDK: .Accounting for advertising expenses for tax purposes
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: 336Analysis of remuneration and ways to improve it.
2020year |
2edition |
UDK: 658Formation of the organization management system
2022year |
2edition |
UDK: .«Role of financial strategy of insurance company development»
2018year |
8edition |
UDK: 338.465.4Standardization as an effective tool to improve the quality of provided state and municipal services (on the example of the MFC Krasnodar)
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 336.71Calculation and analysis of equity (capital) by the example of Bank Round LLC
2019year |
3edition |
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 622: 330.131Current issues of financing the process of landfill reclamation
2021year |
3edition |
UDK: 334.021Operating model as a tool for the organizational development of a transport company
2022year |
7edition |
UDK: 336.2Dynamics of change of taxation system of France
2020year |
6edition |
UDK: 311.42Analysis of the TOP 10 Russian innovation companies
2018year |
6edition |
2015year |
2edition |
UDK: 331.104Minimization of personnel risks as a factor of economic security of an organization
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 339.13Theoretical aspects of enterprise competitiveness analysis
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
2017year |
6edition |
UDK: 338.48The current state of the tourism sector and the prospects for its development in the Republic of Dagestan
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: .Analysis of the impact of corporate governance on the market value of companies
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: 316Key strategies for external communication as a tool for small business development
2023year |
2edition |
UDK: ."Car sharing" and "velocharing" as the main segments of the business of the "shared consumption economy": economic and statistical analysis
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: 339.13Methodology for assessing the elasticity of supply and demand for the Russian meat market
2021year |
8edition |
2024year |
12edition |
UDK: .The economic nature and types of obligations of the organization
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 630.892.2(575.2)Economic analysis of the chemical composition of food products of the regional processing products
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: .Analysis of the movement of financial investments of the corporation on the example of PJSC Rosneft
2023year |
10edition |
UDK: 631.162Travel expenses in 2023
2023year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.31On some aspects of cash flow assessment
Paytaeva Kometa Tahirovna;
2021year |
10edition |
2017year |
5edition |
2017year |
5edition |
UDK: 657.47Organization of accounting of production costs
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: .The attraction of geothermal energy projects at the present stage of economic development of Russian Federation.
2021year |
4edition |
UDK: 629.12.001.2Methodological aspects of assessing the logistics potential of the transport sector of the economy
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.2Foreign experience of strategic regulation of the foreign economic complex of the region
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 339Customer management: strategies for long-term business growth
2022year |
2edition |
UDK: 332.1Features of technological development of Russian economy
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 338.2Country Approaches to Interpretation of the Term "Doubtful Currency Transactions"
2021year |
11edition |
2023year |
12edition |
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 338.49Optimization of economic infrastructure
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: .Improving the brand of the employer of the trading company
2021year |
7edition |
2015year |
4edition |
UDK: 339.138Matters of sustainable development of Olympic marketing: review of foreign references
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: .The current state of the banking sector of the Russian Federation
2018year |
2edition |
UDK: .Improvement of the personnel records management system in RSBHCI "Vladivostok Clinical Hospital No. 4", Vladivostok
2021year |
7edition |
UDK: .Self-employment. Nuances of the tax regime
2023year |
6edition |
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 336.743Currency integration as one of the main trends in the development of the world monetary system
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: 330.341Analysis of the work and rest regime of personnel in the Kirov branch of PJSC "T plus"
2022year |
1edition |
UDK: 657Accounting for other income and expenses of the organization
2019year |
2edition |
UDK: 336.648Problems of forming the structure of borrowed capital
2023year |
11edition |
UDK: 352Economic and legal content of the financial basis of local self-government
2022year |
11edition |
UDK: 336.01Operational cost analysis
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: 338Development of a strategy for the development of agricultural sector enterprises
2021year |
9edition |
UDK: 684The main approaches to the reengineering of business processes in an industrial enterprise
2021year |
8edition |
UDK: 336.1Involvement of citizens in the budget planning process in the Kirov region
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 631.162Preparatory procedures for internal control of sheep production costs
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: .Using the principles of the sharing economy in Uber's business model
2024year |
7edition |
UDK: 338. 24The style of the head and his influence on the management of the enterprise and personnel
2022year |
1edition |
UDK: 331.522, 331.542Expectations of changes in the number of employees in Russian organizations in the context of the expansion of economic sanctions
2023year |
3edition |
UDK: /Clustering of regions of the Russian Federation according to the level of development of information and communication technologies
2024year |
1edition |
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: .Digitalization of agriculture in 2022 year: key result
2024year |
9edition |
UDK: .In the issue of taking account industry specifics in assessing the bankruptcy’s probability of an organization
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 330.322.01Problems and ways of increasing the export potential of strategically important enterprises in the period of post-like economic development
2021year |
12edition |
2022year |
5edition |
2014year |
4edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: 331.5Social and economic problems of youth employment in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra
2021year |
4edition |
2014year |
2edition |
UDK: 33Artificial intelligence in the banking sector of the economy: challenges and ben-efits
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: 620Green economy of the Kyrgyz Republic
2024year |
10edition |
UDK: .Application of the methods of A. A. Rean and Thomas-Kilmann in the improvement of personnel selection
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: .«Balance sheet policy of an economic entity:" creativity "of an accountant or "deception" of users of economic information?»
Shakhbanov R.B. ;
2018year |
2edition |
UDK: 338Comparative analysis of the state of public procurement in the regions of the Volga Federal District
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: .Production strategy and lean manufacturing
2022year |
11edition |
2013year |
2edition |
UDK: .«Improving the efficiency of working capital in telecommunications companies»
2018year |
2edition |
UDK: 33EPC contract as a tool for technological and financial security of the Russian Federation
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: 658.15The development of the Russian innovation market
2019year |
5edition |
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 338.26Localization of the production of pharmaceutical substances under the threat of limiting international logistics as a criterion of national drug safety
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: .ERP systems in Russia
2024year |
10edition |
UDK: 339.13Problems and prospects of cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Russia within the EAEU
2019year |
3 - 1edition |
UDK: 657.01Benchmarking as a way to improve the organization management process
2020year |
6edition |
UDK: 33Multimodal transportation optimization as a mean to increase economic efficiency in forest sector logistics
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 33Analyzing brand marketing strategies of traditional Chinese enterprises in the new digital economy environment
2023year |
9edition |
UDK: 657.222Features of accounting in insurance organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic in the course of their main activities
2023year |
11edition |
UDK: 378.1Research on the organization of volunteer work in sports institutions
2024year |
12edition |
UDK: 338.23International experience in the development of mountain regions of Kyrgyzstan
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.35.053.2Economic and environmental benefits of the waste recycling project
2022year |
6edition |
2014year |
2edition |
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
2024year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.143.21Excise taxes as part of Russian state budget revenues
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 339.54Assessment of the international competitiveness of the company in the oil and gas industry
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: .Methodological aspects of state regulation of the economy
2023year |
10edition |
UDK: 336.767.017.2Compound interest in Investing as the Eighth wonder of the World
2021year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.763Venture financing of investment projects
2023year |
10edition |
UDK: 331.25; 336.1The role of the pension system in ensuring the socio-economic security of the Kyrgyz Republic
2023year |
9edition |
UDK: 336Assessment of the organizational, financial and economic conditions of the organization's functioning
2021year |
9edition |
UDK: 330.1Modern problems of analysis of the financial condition of enterprises: an aspect of the state of capital
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.242Topical Issues in the Development of Mechanisms for Increasing the Competitiveness of Airlines
2022year |
4edition |
UDK: .The Russian Financial Market: Challenges and Perspectives
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: .Assessment of the digital development level of the Russian banking sector
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
2020year |
5edition |
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: 336.1The main mistakes of the management and management of construction companies
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 621.395The role of finance in the network of vending machines in the Krasnodar territory
2024year |
6edition |
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.242Assessment of the level of economic sustainability of the enterprise
Evdokhina O. S.;
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: /Analysis of the workload of state (municipal) educational organizations in the subjects of the Russian Federation
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 33Cash flow management system
2023year |
10edition |
UDK: 33.06Analysis of mortgage lending and its problems development in the Russian Federation.
2021year |
4edition |
UDK: 336.145.1Assessment of the effectiveness of the budget system of a municipal formation
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: 796,5:9103The role of the tourism industry in the development of the social sphere in Кyrgyzstan
Artykbaeva Sonunbu Zhumabekovna;
Mamasoli kyzy Asel;
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.439Main directions and mechanisms for ensuring food security of the Kyrgyz republic in the conditions of eurasian integration
2022year |
10edition |
UDK: .Analysis of cross-intercultural management in chinese multinational corporations
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 331.1Promotion of Internet resources in the selection of personnel
2018year |
4edition |
UDK: 004.942Simulation of transport systems: software tools and directions for their improvement
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: .South Korea Stock Market: advantages and risks of investing
2023year |
4edition |
2019year |
4edition |
2016year |
2edition |
2016year |
1edition |
UDK: 330.354Optimizing supply chains in the face of sanctions pressure
2022year |
6edition |
UDK: 338.28Industrial parks as a tool for the development of the industrial sector of the economies of the regions
2024year |
3edition |
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: 331.102.1Formation of requirements for the necessary knowledge in the professional standards of mechanical assembly workers
2021year |
9edition |
2024year |
2edition |
UDK: 336.77Factors influencing the development of mortgage lending in Russia
2022year |
12edition |
UDK: 349.2The impact of working conditions on the motivation of the organization's staff
2023year |
12edition |
UDK: 338.23Methodological approaches to the analysis of lists of public services to as-sess the effectiveness of institutions
2022year |
11edition |
2015year |
2edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: 330.34Actual issues of the modern economy
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 349.232Organization of remuneration for employees of educational institutions
2024year |
10edition |
UDK: .The essence of the manifestation of gamification in public administration
2023year |
6edition |
2017year |
4edition |
UDK: 658Choosing an organization development strategy based on the McKinsey matrix
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 657Recommendations for improving cost accounting (on the example of a commercial enterprise)
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 657Cost estimates audit of budgetary institutions
2020year |
9edition |
UDK: 657.622Reserves for efficient use of production resources
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: 331.108Investing in quality education for children as a key aspect of building human capital
2024year |
6edition |
UDK: 658.5.011Optimization of the enterprise management structure
Evdokhina O. S.;
2021year |
12edition |
2014year |
1edition |
2022year |
4edition |
UDK: 33The impact of the 2020 macroeconomic crisis on russian securities
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.648Lending to small and medium-sized businesses during the COVID - 19 pandemic in Russia
2021year |
12edition |
2014year |
4edition |
2014year |
4edition |
UDK: 339.27.3Current trends in the global credit market
2019year |
1edition |
2017year |
3edition |
2014year |
1edition |
UDK: 330.1Increasing financial literacy among the younger generation
2024year |
3edition |
UDK: 330.322Features of the Genoese currency system
2022year |
4edition |
UDK: .Gamification as a local innovation in human resources management
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: 338.43State support for small and medium-sized businesses in the livestock indus-try of the Omsk region over the past three years
2024year |
10edition |
UDK: 330.3Trends and analysis of the meat market of the Omsk region
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 33Strategy for digital transformation of higher education
2022year |
6edition |
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: 336.63Organization financial stability and conditions its provision
2020year |
2edition |
2015year |
4edition |
UDK: 378.14Distance technologies in education
2021year |
1edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: 33Harmonization of financial and tax accounting of banking operations
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: 338. 485Development of ecotourism in specially protected natural areas: the concept of strategic planning
2021year |
3edition |
UDK: 336.1The balance sheet and its role in management decisions
2019year |
2edition |
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: 332.83Analysis of the commercial real estate market in the city of Penza for 2019
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: .Is ESG a new trend or an effective mechanism for making managerial decisions?
2022year |
7edition |
UDK: .Topical issues of social protection of the indigenous peoples of the North
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: 657. 6:336. 2Relationship between accounting and auditing
2023year |
1edition |
2020year |
6edition |
UDK: .Basis for forming a trade and sales policy in the steel market
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: .To the question of increasing investment attractiveness and creating a favorable investment climate
2020year |
10edition |
UDK: 336.64Assessment of the organization's receivables and payables management system
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: 331;331.1Tools for express assessment of the development of professional competencies in accordance with the requests of employers
2024year |
6edition |
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: 332.363Improving measures of state support for agricultural production in St. Petersburg in the context of minimizing transaction costs in land use
2024year |
8edition |
UDK: 347.736.3The history of the development of methods for predicting bankruptcy of an enterprise
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: .AML, Utopia or the logical development of the economy
2018year |
6edition |
UDK: 331.108HR- brand as a tool for managing human resources at service enterprises
Chireeva Y. U. ;
2019year |
5edition |
UDK: .The role of management accounting in small business
2018year |
6edition |
UDK: 657.421.1Definitional apparatus for national and international accounting standards for assessment of fixed assets
2020year |
11edition |
UDK: 366.24Non-cash forms of calculations with the use of modern automated systems
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: .Freight transportation between Russia and Finland
2020year |
6edition |
2022year |
9edition |
UDK: 336.3Digitalization of the Economy as a Factor in Reducing the Risks of the Financial Sector
2021year |
6edition |
UDK: 325.1Features of migration processes in Dagestan
2022year |
5edition |
2014year |
2edition |
UDK: 338.31Analysing the financial performance of an organisation: essence, role, tasks
Paytaeva Kometa Tahirovna;
2023year |
7edition |
UDK: 519.237Statistical analysis of the variability of the indicator of the extractive industry of Kazakhstan
2024year |
4edition |
UDK: .A mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of development projects in commercial real estate at the stage of attracting projects by the developer company
2024year |
5edition |
UDK: .The problem of reducing the profitability of oil companies in modern conditions
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: .To the issue of improving the system of socio-economic development of regions
2018year |
9edition |
UDK: .Transformation of financial management goals in the face of growing external challenges
2021year |
5edition |
UDK: .Calculation of the fair value of shares by the Gordon discount method, including taxes
2023year |
7edition |
2022year |
9edition |
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 657.1Accounting of general production and general economic expenses
2022year |
2edition |
UDK: 332.1Advantages of using an electronic document management system in an organization
2024year |
12edition |
UDK: 330.14Money management: essence, necessity, stages and benefits
2022year |
3edition |
2021year |
4edition |
UDK: УДК 351/354Digital state administration
2020year |
1edition |
2015year |
1edition |
UDK: 338Evaluation of the effectiveness of the municipal budget execution
2022year |
12edition |
2015year |
3edition |
2015year |
4edition |
UDK: 336.7Deposit insurance system in the Russian Federation: value and prospects
2020year |
3edition |
UDK: 338. 658.3Problems of improving the efficiency of human resource management
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: 339.138Using marketing opportunities to improve the efficiency of Alrosa (PJSC)
2022year |
8edition |
UDK: 336.1Development of a line recruiting system for a retail company
2020year |
6edition |
UDK: .Tourism development in Yamal
2021year |
7edition |
UDK: .Updating the calculation of the human development index
2023year |
5edition |
2021year |
7edition |
UDK: 338.22Cost efficiency indicators of financial and economic activity of companies
2019year |
6 - 1edition |
UDK: 338.24Maximizing the volume of products created in the conditions of production diversification
2023year |
2edition |
UDK: .Tax administration in the Russian Federation and ways to increase its effectiveness
2020year |
3edition |
2014year |
3edition |
UDK: .The impact of innovative developments on the Russian economy
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 657.1Costs in the accounting and analytical system of the organization
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: .Modern problems and prospects of development of the economy of the North Caucasus
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: 336.226The system of indirect taxation of Russia and the EAEU countries
2024year |
3edition |
2018year |
7edition |
UDK: .Practical aspects of assessing the financial stability of a retailer company in modern conditions
2021year |
10edition |
UDK: .The impact of technology on communication skills
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 338.33Modern types and types of diversification
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: .Mortgage lending: a modern approach
2024year |
5edition |
2020year |
2edition |
UDK: 004.457Structure of funding sources for non-profit organizations
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: 657.52Conceptual approaches to ensure the quality of accounting information in accordance with IFRS
2019year |
4edition |
UDK: 657Organizational and methodological aspects of documental control of innovation activity
2023year |
4edition |
UDK: 338.43The main problems of the leasing market and the development of the agrarian sector of the Kyrgyz Republic with the help of leasing relations
2023year |
6edition |
UDK: 65.32 : 636.082Assessment of the current state of the livestock industry in Russia CJSC "Azovskoe" of the Azov district of the Omsk region
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
2017year |
2edition |
UDK: .Toolkit for strategic analysis and its importance in the activities of the organization
2021year |
3edition |
UDK: 339.727.22Monetary policy as a part of the economic policy of the state
2021year |
11edition |
2024year |
10edition |
UDK: 332.02Analysis of land management in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
2022year |
7edition |
UDK: .Features of the application of the "direct-costing" system in public ca-tering
2022year |
7edition |
UDK: .Analysis of the effectiveness of innovative activity at the enterprise (on the example of PJSC "Kirovsky Zavod Mayak")
2021year |
8edition |
UDK: .The role and importance of configuration and programming in modern IT systems
2024year |
11edition |
UDK: 330.342.1Effective management of the property complex in trade
2021year |
11edition |
UDK: 338.1The concept of entrepreneurial activity and competence
2022year |
7edition |
UDK:Assessment of the financial condition of a logistics organization
2024year |
12edition |
UDK: .Analysis of the basics of training the personnel reserve in the organization
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.77.067The concept and comparative characteristics of mortgage lending to banks of Russia
2021year |
4edition |
2017year |
6edition |
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: .The need and types of state antimonopoly regulation in the Kyrgyz Republic
2024year |
2edition |
UDK: .Factors and conditions of attracting investment to the region (on the example of the Krasnodar territory)
2020year |
8edition |
UDK: .The state and trends of the organization of internal financial audit in local self-government bodies
2022year |
5edition |
UDK: .Development of legal regulation of audit in Russia in the context of digitalization
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 331.101Technical re-equipment and increase in wages are the most important factors for increasing labor productivity in Dagestan's agriculture
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: .«On the tasks of analyzing the efficiency of intangible assets»
2018year |
2edition |
UDK: 330.341Directions of strategic personnel developmentin PJSC "T plus"
2022year |
1edition |
UDK: 338.2Relevance of the management accounting system at the enterprise
2023year |
4edition |
2021year |
4edition |
2016year |
3edition |
UDK: .Social and economic development of Russian regions
2024year |
9edition |
UDK: 316.25The art of the manager profession: goals and roles in modern business
2024year |
7edition |
UDK: .Analysis of accounts payable of an agricultural enterprise
2024year |
10edition |
UDK: 331.5Unemployment and its impact on the labor market of the Sverdlovsk region
2018year |
4edition |
UDK: 339.92Cross-cultural management: features of the negotiation process in Russia and China
2019year |
3edition |
UDK: 33Reverse engineering as a tool for financial stability in the face of changes
2024year |
5edition |
Shakhgiraev Ismail Uvaisovich;
2019year |
5edition |
2014year |
3edition |
UDK: 2964Talent Management class systems as an organizational and managerial innovation
2022year |
9edition |
UDK: 33.2964Evaluation of the efficiency of local budget execution
2020year |
5edition |
UDK: 336.1Leasing in modern conditions
2022year |
12edition |
2016year |
2edition |
UDK: 338.46Trends in the development of the recording services market: a brief historical aspect and current state
2020year |
4edition |
UDK: 336Development of entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of the modern tax system of the Kyrgyz Republic
2023year |
5edition |
2018year |
5edition |
UDK: .Transformation of local self -government bodies into a single system of public authority
2022year |
7edition |
UDK: 331Legal regulation of the work of remote workers
2023year |
1edition |
UDK: 338.24Assessment of the sectoral structure of investments in the municipality of Krasnodar
2023year |
5edition |
UDK: 336,2The economic essence of the concept of "wages" as an economic category
2021year |
5edition |
UDK: 338Improving technology transfer in agriculture: upgrading the financial risk management system
2020year |
8edition |
UDK: 338Assessment of the dynamics and movement of the company's personnel
2023year |
12edition |
2020year |
1edition |
UDK: 336.22Items of income in the accounting and tax accounting
2019year |
6 - 2edition |
UDK: 351/354Transformation of Agricultural regulation in Post-Soviet Russia
2021year |
12edition |
UDK: 336Financial literacy of the population as an indicator of the welfare of the state
2021year |
10edition |
2022year |
4edition |
UDK: 351.9Audit of the efficiency of spending budget funds (on the example of the Control and Accounting Chamber of the city of Kirov) |